S.A. Wilsons Gold Roast Coffee 100% Certified Organic. Purchased from small independent farmer co-operatives, the beans have been hand picked and the farmers have been paid far more for their product than they would have been paid if sold to the local coyotes (coffee brokers). In addition, S.A.Wilsons is one of the very few, if not the only, Certified Organic Coffee Processor. That means every single step in the production of our enema coffee and the operation of our facility has been certified to organic standards, right down to the products they use to clean the floors.
S.A Wilsons Gold Roast Coffee is the first and only coffee that has been specifically blended and processed with higher levels of Caffeine and Palmitic acid in mind. It is also the only coffee that has been lab tested to be sure it has these higher levels.. Independent lab tests show that S.A.Wilsons Gold Roast coffee is up to 48% higher in Caffeine and up to 87% higher in the more important Palmitic Acid. That’s higher than any commercially available coffee. These higher levels make Wilson’s coffee the most unique coffee available, without exception.
This is also the reason that S.A Wilsons Blend Coffee is recommended by more professionals than any other single brand of coffee. It is the coffee of choice for the Gerson Research Organization, The Hospital Oasis, The Issels Program, Dr. William Donald Kelley, CHIPSA Hospital, Hildenbrand Alternatives.
S.A. Wilson’s Gold Roast Coffee
16 oz.
$24 plus GST
Please contact Rose Gawlak @ 780-945-0395 or rosesremedies@gmail.com to purchase product.
Prices for product are subject to change without notice due to US dollar, shipping, customs etc.
Our supplements are not drugs and are not intended to treat, cure or prevent a disease or injury. The information appearing on this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice. Results may vary. Please consult your physician for a complete list of indications, warnings, precautions, adverse events, clinical results, and other important medical information. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem, injury or disease without consulting with a qualified healthcare provider.